Upload, change, or delete workspace logo

Note: To upload, change, or delete a workspace logo, you must be the Admin or Manager level user (see "Roles, access levels, and access rights").

Follow the instructions below on how to upload, change, or delete a workspace logo.


Click Settings in Home menu and then click General.


In the "Workspace" section hover over the data block with the name of your workspace and click the "Edit" icon, this will open a sidebar.


To upload a new logo, click the "Camera" icon, this will open your system's file explorer, upload the logo directly from your computer.

Tip: You can also simply drag'n'drop the logo into the "Select or drop logo" space.

To change an existing logo, hover it over and click the "Camera" icon, this will open your system's file explorer, upload a new logo directly from your computer.

Tip: You can also simply drag'n'drop the logo over the existing one.

To delete an existing logo, hover it over and click X.


To save the changes, click Save at the bottom of the sidebar.

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